Welcome to MarketWatch Monday, here’s what happened in FBA sales this week…
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Sold Amazon FBA Listings
We found 3 sold listings this week with a combined value of $3.7MM. All three were private label, Amazon only businesses.
An additional 1 pending sale was found with a list price value of $1.7MM. Combining the 3 sold and 1 pending listing, the median multiple is 2.51x down a little from last weeks 3.04x.
1 delisted business was found and an additional 5 listings were no longer available (either sold or delisted), with a combined list price value of $3.5MM.
In total (sold, pending, delisted & unknown) that takes $9MM in listings off the marketplace this week.
New Amazon FBA Listings
14 new listings came to market this week, ranging from $15k-$3.5MM. 4 listings this week have international sales channels, 9 are US focused only and 1 is unknown.
The median list price multiple is up slightly this week to 3x from 2.87x due to five $1MM+ listings pushing up the multiple.
Featured FBA Listings of The Week:
$372k SDE Unique Products with 43% Margin in the Gifts niche
Gross income: $865,004
Adjusted net income: $372,400
Asking price: $1,117,199 + inventory
$472k SDE, SBA Pre-Approved Home & Kitchen Niche
Gross income: $1,953,803
Adjusted net income: $ 472,349
Asking price: $1,511,546 +inventory
That’s all for this week’s FBA MarketWatch Monday. For access to the new listing links every week sign up to FBA Business Price Guide.
Whenever you’re ready, here’s 3 ways we can help you:
1. Want to know what you’re FBA business is worth?
How does your business compare with other businesses that have already sold in 2018? Our scorecard will give you a valuation range (using actual sales data) for your business without revealing your brands/products. Plus you’ll get tips to improve your business value based on your results. Click here to get your FBA Scorecard.
2. Want to find the right FBA Business to buy?
Register your interest and let us know what you are looking for, just click here.
3. Want to know what FBA Businesses are selling for?
Check out our breakdown of ALL public FBA business sales in 2017. We review 174 sales with a combined list value of over $320,00,000. Read the article here.