Please Note: The video’s audio cuts out at 22min mark so skip forward to 27min mark to continue the presentation
LIVE Training: Friday, November 23rd at 11 am EST/ 5 pm CET
Right now, we are seeing hundreds of Amazon based brands wanting to sell. 205 at the time of writing this…
However so far in 2018 the vast majority, ~75% have NOT sold.
At the same time, record levels of capital is flooding into this space. Billions of dollars are being raised and allocated for acquiring physical product brands with an Amazon sales channel.
What are these investors looking for and why are so many brands slow to sell, seeing lowball offers or even worse now becoming UN-SELLABLE?
As Founder and Managing Partner at The FBA Broker, I’ve seen these changes first hand as I still broker our 7 and 8 figure listings personally.
Plus, I spend 80% of my time meeting with investors looking to acquire brands. In 2018 we’ve seen the market change faster than before, often month to month!
Now I want to share this knowledge with you, for the first time. In a LIVE Training Session, this Friday 11 am EST/ 5 pm CET.
Who should attend?
All founders of physical products brands who sell via Amazon should attend this LIVE Training. Even if you don’t plan to sell your business in the near future simply knowing what is changing in the marketplace will be invaluable to you.
As well as a presentation on the top 10 things investors are looking for I’ll open up to live questions from you. So you can get all your questions answered LIVE on the call!
See you on Friday!
Coran Woodmass Founder and Managing Partner